Credit Union of Colorado
eStatement Enrollment Disclosure
By enrolling in the eStatement service, you elect to stop receiving paper statements in the mail and you agree to receive any disclosures legally required in connection with your account electronically rather than in paper form. These disclosures include, but are not limited to, your periodic statement of account, billing statements, billing rights notice, our privacy policy, change in terms notices, amendments or addenda to the Membership and Account Agreement, and notice of change in terms of any benefits, products, or services offered in connection with your account.
You have the right to receive statements and disclosures in paper form. If you'd like to request a paper copy of a statement or disclosure, while enrolled in this service, please call 1-800-444-4816. We may charge you a $2.00 fee for each statement copy you request. There is no fee for copies of other disclosures.
You may cancel your enrollment in the eStatement service at any time by selecting to receive paper statements in the “Delivery Settings” of the eStatements tab in Online Banking. Canceling this service may result in product-specific fees as detailed in the Rate and Fee Schedule.
If you use a spam filter, which blocks or re-routes e-mails from senders not listed in your e-mail address book, you must add to your e-mail address book.
In order to access your electronic statements, you must have an Internet connection and an Internet browser. View a list of supported browsers. Your browser must have cookies enabled and the latest version of the free Adobe Reader to view, save, and print your statements.
Please allow up to three days for your enrollment to take effect. Depending on your statement closing date, you may receive one more paper statement.
We reserve the right to cancel this service, change the terms of your use of this service, or send disclosures in paper form at any time.